Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tokyo Week One: The Move

Today marks my one week anniversary being back in Japan. I'd like to say I did something cool to celebrate, like wear a festive hat or make a yummy dinner. But alas, there were no festive hats or creative meals today... because when I'm not at work MOVING is consuming my little life.

Way back in August, while I was home in America and Winston was on his summer bike tour of Japan, our landlord decided to inform us that he wouldn't be renewing our lease (which was up in October) because he'd decided to turn our apartments into dorms. Fabulous, eh? So Winston did a lot of shuffling and apartment hunting, and found us a new apartment, pronto. While I'm thankful that we're not homeless, apartment jumping inherently involves MOVING. Arg.

As anyone close to me knows, I organization is a big thing for me. In fact, I rank organizational skills right up there with sainthood. That said, there is nothing organized about moving. All my stuff is useful, there's no convenient time to shove it in a box for a couple days. I always end up losing something vital, like a pasta strainer or my deodorant. This is how I envision hell- me stuck in a box cluttered apartment with watery pasta and armpits that reek like carnival midgets.

seriously, carnival pits.... be afraid

Boxes and boxes and boxes galore:

Look! More boxes!

Lucky for me. Winston is a seasoned mover, and none of this phases him. Mostly he just laughs at me. It looks something like this:

It's a good thing we like each other....

Alrighty Cats and Kittens, that's all for now. TTFN, ta-ta til the move on October 1st....

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