Saturday, October 18, 2008

Japan 1, Erin 0

So, those of you who know me best know my love for re-fried beans. I can walk into a Mexican food restaurant, and without restraint eat an entire Burrito the size of an infant (and chase it down with a few Coronas...) Generally I walk out of the place looking 3 months pregnant. Well, thus far, re-fried beans have been virtually non-existent in this country. Disgruntled, I whined to Winston, who promised to send me some in my next care package....

Fast-forward one week, for the story is about to get interesting. One of my favorite teachers gave her students an essay. The assignment was to write me a letter about their favorite Japanese food, and tell me why I should try it. So, in the midst of missing my favorite food, I found myself at my desk reading about my students' favorite Japanese dishes. Most of them were really cute. For example "Try sushi. Sushi is happy." Then, I came across the student who wrote about Natto. Now, let's have a little chat about Natto......

In reality, Natto is nothing but fermented soy beans, and is generally eaten with soy sauce for breakfast here. I first came across them one morning in Seattle. Winston convinced me to try eating a "traditional Japanese breakfast," and despite my apphrension at eating something that looked like eggs from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" wrapped in spider webs, I gave it a try. One bite in I  immediately regretted my decision. Eating something that looks like it came out the uterus of some sci-fi alien is as dumb as eating anything in a cafeteria with the word "surprise" in it... you just don't do it! Needless to say Winston read my reaction rather well, and finished my breakfast while I opted for cereal. However, the bit of Natto lingered, and an hour later I threw up... not fun. 

So, back on topic, six months later I find myself reading about Natto... I don't know if I should have written this student's essay verbatim in my journal... but I just couldn't resist. Here it is, every reason why I should try Natto, from one of my students.....

I want to eat Natto you. 
Because nattou is very delisiouse and your condition will be goot well. 
It is health food. 
Recentry, spagety, kare rice, and sushi with eat. 

Reading this essay, I couldn't help but re-live my wasted breakfast. But the essay was still hilarious. 

On a side note, I believe Karma recentry bit me in the ass for my amusement at this little essay. As promised, Winston did indeed send me a can of re-friend beans. However, the Japanese Postal Service opted not only to randomly inspect the package, but for some reason they opted to OPEN THE BEANS TO INSPECT THEM. So I received the can in the mail... taped shut. Oh the irony of it all. 

Japan 1, Erin 0


felicia said...

ha ha ha, you got served! NOT! hahaha! i love you.

felicia said...

go here, and go to #6 :)